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PUFELS further study

The approaches to the further study build upon the Pufler Village Study (Booklet 2018) and result in an in-depth spatial planning approach that can be divided into the following areas:
-Village centre
-Overarching village development

Since Pufels has to find a fundamentally differentiated as well as bold approach in terms of mobility and future structuring, traffic-related as well as architectural considerations are always considered and implemented in both strategy approaches.

The further study divides the approach for the village renewal of Pufels into three structural approaches:
Necessary interventions: Structural measures that are necessary to defuse situations that do not comply with the law as well as the parking situation.
Reactivation: To strengthen the character of the village as a place to stay.
Enabling: Refers to a reconsideration of the village in terms of mobility, tourist orientation as well as the general village character.

The strategic structure arranges the village in a spatial planning, interventionist and architectural approach.




Pufels, Bulla/ITA


Village PufelsAssociation, Florian Kasslatter

Design Team:

David Calas, Clemens Horvath, Sven Wuttej